Sunday, April 5, 2009

Play Room!

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been a few days since I last posted ~ we've been busy feathering Casa de la Willey. :) It's been fun, exhausting, but also rewarding! It's hard buying things for your house when you're an Army family. Not only do you have to convince the hubby that it's necessary, but you have to fast foward three years and think, hmm will this work in our next house? Haha! :) Every house has different size windows of course...Oh the joys....I'm really trying to make an effort to be even more frugal and thrifty these days, as is everyone else. You all know how I love my garage sales, Goodwill, and now the Salvation Army Thrift Store! It's the thrill of the hunt ;) I've also spent some time looking at this blog: That's exactly how I want to live ~ frugally and simply, but amazingly! Is that even a word? :)

Anyways, here's a few shots of Bubby's playroom! And no, it's not always this clean. ;) It's not finished yet, but I wanted to get these up and see if any of you had any suggestions. I think we're doing a bamboo shade over the window and I found a few pictures at Land Of Nod that I wanted to hang up. So much wall space, too small a budget ;) Here's his bookshelf ~

Here's a shot of his toy chest ~ aka my old hope chest! It's getting a coat of blue this weekend..stay tuned!

Here's the other side, right under the kitchen half wall, and a shot of Bubby still in his jammies ~

He absolutely loves having all that space to himself ~ you can find him coloring on his chalkboard, building with his MegaBlocks, or most often driving his Matchbox cars ALL over. And I do mean ALL over. Apparantly, to a 2 year old, even the walls are his racetrack. In fact, I think I'm going to change the name of my blog. Have you seen the hilarious blog Rocks In My Dryer? Yah, well I'm going to title this one "Matchbox Cars In My Couch." Seriously, have you ever sat on one of those? Ouch! :) Maybe Noah thinks that's their garage.... ;)

I'll leave you with this funny parting shot ~ Noah is 100% boy, but he hates having his hands dirty. His new thing is "hands! Momma hands! Waaaashhhh hand!" I think he gets that from me ;) Love you all!

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