Saturday, March 21, 2009

A sneak peak...

Aloha everyone! :) Wow, I am sorry it's been two weeks since I posted! And oh, what a crazy two weeks it's been. Where to start ~ we finally moved into our newly renovated 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 bath house on March 5th after almost six weeks in the hotel, yay! We have new laminate hardwood floors (which I've been swooning over forever and now we have them!) new sinks, tubs, countertops, carpet, etc. And fresh WHITE paint. That's right, I said good ole' white. Now if you know me, you know I love color on the walls. But in these times, we are blessed to have a roof over our heads, right? It was absolutely nervewracking and exciting all at the same time, taking a house sight unseen and then waiting weeks for it to be finished. When we finally got our keys that morning, we all held hands and walked in the front door of our new home together ~ and were pleasantly surprised! The more we walked around, the more we liked it. And the longer we're here, I can picture us making this a home for the next three years. Noah was so cute, he kept running full speed around and then he'd throw himself on the floor, as if to say "all this space is mine, all mine!"

So we moved in on the 5th, armed with our lovely "aloha" furniture (borrowed 70's rattan from housing,) our air mattress, and Bubby's toddler bed (that we shipped early enough to arrive in February.) We had a fun weekend, scrubbing walls, floors, appliances, cabinets, etc. Ah, the joys of moving in :) Then on Tuesday, March 10th, Bubby had tubes put in his ears :( All was well, it was definitely harder on Mommy and Daddy then lil' man :) The Dr. said he was such a little soldier! It took him quite a while to wake up from the anesthesia, and the waiting room was of course, right next door to the recovery room. So, as only one parent was allowed in at a time, Mommy rushed right in, only to have poor Noah screaming Daaaaaadddddddyyyyyy! for about 10 minutes. Talk about a heartbreak. Poor Bryan was pacing in the waiting room :( So the nurses go get Daddy, who came in only to have Noah scream Mooooommmmmmyyyyyyyyy!!!! for the next ten minutes. Needless to say, I was pacing outside the door, not knowing what to do until some sweet doctor walked by and asked if I wanted in. Uh, yeah! So that was that, finally they let us both in. So two parents and four juice cups later, he was awake and we were on our way :) I know tubes really aren't that big of deal at all, but if you're a parent, you understand. I just love my adorable, curly mopped little man! Here he is on moving day, watching Buzz:
From New House

Wednesday, March 11th the movers came with all our household goods. Can you believe our entire lives fit into these six crates, or better yet that they made it across the Pacific Ocean? Yeah, me either...
From New House

Bless the moving guys, Bryan was at work for the better part of the morning, so Noah and I "directed" them which room every box went into, after we checked it off the list. We had 181 boxes/items. Can you believe that?! One of the guys, poor thing, everytime he asked me where something went it was always the spare bedroom. Which is upstairs. So after quite a few trips up, he started joking about it. The microwave came out of a box next and immediately he asked, in his cute Hawaiian accent, spare bedroom? Haha, yeah no. :) Kitchen, please. They were awesome, and we thanked them for all their help with plenty of Mountain Dew. Which we had plenty of since I don't drink it anymore. Boo-hoo! I also bribed the box picker-upper guy to take ALL 100+ of our boxes with some Mountain Dew ;) Oh yeah, they came on the 13th. The same day the cable guys came :) Yep, it's been a busy two weeks.

I'm sorry I don't have any better pictures yet, I promise that I will get some in the next few days. And I'll have even more once we hang things up, get some rugs and window treatments, and all that fun stuff. It's fun to do those things now that we're unpacked. For the most part anyways ;) Here's the living room:
From New House

Pardon the army gear, Xbox and Vtech box ~ gotta love my "men" and their video games!
From New House

Not sure what to do with the wide entry way yet ~ any ideas?
From New House

The dining room was originally on the other side of the kitchen, but we decided to skip the formal room and make it Bubby's playroom. It works out perfectly, because the sliding doors are back there that go right out to the lanai (patio). So the dining room table is tucked in the back of the living room. I think we're going to put a desk on the other wall where the white hutch is ~ so much space to decorate! :)
From New House

Our bedroom ~ desperately needing new furniture and personality! :) Again, any ideas?
From New House

Hopefully this weekend we can hang Bubby's things up and I can get some pictures of his vintage cowboy room. Oh, and his froggy bathroom. Which is bigger than ours, might I add :) So there's your sneak peak for the day ~ I'll leave you with this parting shot of my two "men" after a hard day's work watching Mommy unpack :) Haha, just kidding ~ hope you all have a wonderful weekend and hope to hear from you soon!

Lots of love,
Bryan, Jen and Noah
From New House


  1. Jen, it's so great to see things coming along for you guys! The house looks great!! Hopefully you can get some relaxation after all that unpacking! Hugs!

  2. HI Jen,
    Oh My goodness Noah looks like a little boy in that pic~! Sad face, where is out little baby??? We cant wait until you guys are here again~ I have been busy buying up stuff to keep him busy at the "Farm" His little Car "Coup" is so cute... Love you guys to the moon and back! OH yeah that link you sent me for Pictures to have done with Scoot, Her little girl told her that, I lve you to the Moona and Back, I thought I made that up.:( xoxoxo

  3. Hi!! I'm glad you liked your idea board - I got your comment. I just wanted to make sure you got the email too, with all the details and links, etc?

    It's going to be great! I'd love to see "after" pictures!
