Hey everyone! I'm sorry I've been a bad blogger ~ lots of craziness the last few weeks in the Willey household! Let's see, we jetted home in September for a few weeks to spend time with our family & friends, since we're not going to make it home for Christmas :( Darn plane tickets & Pacific Ocean! We had a fabulous time (thanks Mom & Dad, you're the best for putting up with us!) visiting family & friends ~ we ended up sending out a mass email last minute to meet up with everyone one night during our visit, and had a ball hanging out at Eureka Lake with everyone who came. Next time we'll plan it more in advance so everyone can hopefully come! :) Noah had a ball riding Papa's tractor as much as possible, swinging in his new swing, throwing sticks in the creek, and doing all his favorite farm things :)
We then headed to AZ for our dear friend Roza's wedding, where I was a bridesmaid & Noah was the ring bearer. Pictures of that to come, I promise! Noah did pretty well, except for restlessness during the wedding which thankfully everyone (hopefully!) thought was cute :) About halfway through, he was like "my pillow! I want my pillow! I the ring bear!" It's hard to control your laughter when you're in a beautiful wedding :) Anyways, we had a great time and the wedding was absolutely beautiful. I have lots of pics from this summer/fall to add, so I promise I'll be back on here in the next few days! Lots of love and hope to hear from everyone soon!